“The Autobiographical Memory” Yesterday I read something that was totally new to me and set my mind on fire. Here is the gist of it: It took two million years of human development, beginning with homo … [Read more...]
Blog#11, June 2, 2017: Praying
Old nun on a walk The old nun and I set off for a walk to the top of the hill to catch the early winter sunset. We had been friends since she was my eighth grade teacher. She was eighty-three that … [Read more...]
Blog #10, May 26, 2017
Blog #10 Being a Writer Continuing Orwell's Four Great Motives for Writing. (Motives 3 and 4: Historical Impulse and Political Purpose) Today is May 26, 2017, and in the past week two things on … [Read more...]
The Aesthetics of Less, Blog#9, May 19, 2017
In "Why I Write," Orwell says as long as he remains alive he will continue to feel strongly about prose style, to love the surface of the earth, and to take pleasure in solidobjects and scraps of … [Read more...]
Blog #8, May 12, 2017, Being a Writer, Part 3 of 6
It's going to take more posts than I anticipated to do justice to Orwell's "four great motives for writing prose." I spent all day thinking about his first motive: "sheer egotism," and breaking it … [Read more...]
Blog#7, May 5, 2017, Being a Writer, Part 2 of 3
A Writer's Inescapables Earlier in the week I was reading Rob Neufeld's ninth chapter in the book he is writing about my work (tentatively titled The Art of Becoming), and I was struck by this … [Read more...]
Blog #6 April 28, 2017 Being a Writer, part 1 of 3
Being a Writer, part 1 of 3 "I think from the very start my literary ambitions were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated and undervalued. I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of … [Read more...]
Blog#5, “Ruins”
Today, April 21, 2017, is the eve of Robert's sixteenth YEAR'S MIND, that lovely ancient church word for the anniversary of someone's death. Gear: the Old English word for "year," and mynd for … [Read more...]
Book Tour Worries
Blog #4 April 14, 2017--Good Friday Book Tour Worries Less than two months away. Fly Albany to Raleigh, and then back and forth and up and down on the east coast. (I have posted my book travel … [Read more...]
Blog #3 Today is April 7, 2017 Despair is a room in my house. I don't go there: I find myself IN there. So far, I have come out again. Otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this. On Saturday, April 1, I … [Read more...]